I suppose I've never had a proper Valentine's Day cause I have yet to celebrate a Valentines with a gentleman that I love. :) Despite the commercials on tv, I'm certain it's about more than eating chocolate, wearing red and feeling giddy...
No offense to anyone who enjoys the simple, romantic
feeling of the holiday, but as an "outsider" on Valentine's Day, it seems to me that celebrating "puppy love" is kind of missing the mark. Doesn't the holiday really belong to the people who've almost hated each other at some point in their relationship and yet stayed together? Isn't it for the couples who've spent most of their Valentines together in sweat pants, cleaning up after their kids, eating whatever's in the refrigerator and
pretending they celebrated cause he brought a red rose home?
In truth, I'm sure it's about both aspects: all the happy, beautiful times together, as well as the difficult, less than romantic ones. I'd just like to see the latter honored more in our commercial, materialistic culture. Yes, I am single this Valentine's Day, but I'm convinced that a loving relationship is hard work! Those who choose to stay together despite the difficulty are the ones who demonstrate love to the fullest...all the young, starry-eyed couples should raise their glasses to them this Friday. :)