Thursday, July 11, 2013

Bits and Pieces...

Won't. Stop. Raining.

Happy Thursday! Little bits and pieces of interesting for you today...

The Perfect Palette featured my earrings in one of their June posts. I didn't find out until recently. :) Thanks, Chrissy!

One of the cutest things you'll ever see...there's a baby giraffe!

- Goodreads posted this. I want to weep for the people who put down the second most abandoned classic...

Top 12 WEIRD laws that actually exist!

- Not my style, but it has bananas.

- Must! Taste! Perfect! Cookie! ...Nutella Stuffed Brown Butter & Sea Salt Chocolate Chip Cookies from Channeling Contessa.

1 comment:

  1. What an interesting overview from Goodreads. I think I'd fit into the category of "I hate to finish a book I've started," but sometimes I quit reading a book because I don't have time to devote to to it and I lose interest in it after I put it down.

    I want those cookies!


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