Monday, August 4, 2014

Authenticity in Blogging

This month is all about Authenticity....the struggle to be nothing but real and the people in our lives who inspire us with their own strong sense of self. Every Wednesday, a different guest blogger will share about someone in her life who inspires her to be authentic. I am so excited for you to read what they've written!

For me, personally, I have been inspired a lot by the simple act of writing to you every week. Having to figure out what my blog is about and its content has caused me to examine what I am about and the things that make me unique. The truth is, there are tons of blogs out there (the internet is saturated with them), and the only thing that makes mine any different from all the rest is me. My natural tendency is to do or be what will make others happy and learning to embrace how God made me, whether it makes everyone happy or not, has been incredibly stretching and beneficial. I hadn't expected to experience that sort of growth from having this blog, but surprise surprise, the Lord is teaching me again. :) The project I undertook simply to build and market my business has been growing me into a more confident person who embraces herself.

So, in a way, I could say that I have been inspired to be authentic by this blog and all of the bloggers I've connected with who don't encourage me to be more like them, but more like myself. And I'm also inspired by you because you continue reading and you keep me striving to be real.
Thanks. :)


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