Friday, April 5, 2013

A Work In Progress & Thank You, Beth!

Business projects should come with warning labels that read: If you are impatient, or may become impatient, consult your brain before attempting.

Launching my jewelry shop has been one of the most exciting things I have ever done, but it has also been one of the most frustrating. Expectations are high, patience is running low... (I had no idea I was this impatient, y'all. It's been an eye opening thing... I feel sorry for my family right now.) I can see where I want to be, but it's taking forever to get all the stubborn little details worked out in order to get there.

At the moment, I'm working on making everything congruous and consistent so that the overall aesthetic makes sense. The goal is for customers to immediately look at my storefront and "get" everything their seeing. It's just going to take some time to figure it all out! Time just needs to start moving faster. ;) Has anybody I'm talking to experienced similar frustrations when starting a project?

Maybe tomorrow my shop will finally be finished acquiring that "special thing" Ira Glass talks about in this quote...maybe?

courtesy of 7plums

Now for something exciting... 

Yesterday, Beth Barden of DesignPOST did a little feature on my shop and the earrings she won in Eileen's giveaway! So sweet of her!!! You can check out her full post here, but below is the outfit she put together to go with them. Can you tell she's headed to Florida? ;)

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