Friday, December 6, 2013

Farrago Friday 12.6.13

Apparently, a storm's coming. Don't get stuck outside like Chewbacca. Stay warm.

Thoughts: Over the last few days, I reveled in my beautiful Thanksgiving weekend with great friends and ate up all the leftovers. Saw Catching Fire twice since it's release... so much better than the first one. It was basically the book come to life. Felt blessed by the business coming through my shop. Caught a creative spirit somehow and began making lots of the pieces I've considered making for a while. I've also been pondering what I talk about on my blog. There are a lot of topics I just stay away from and politics is one of them. It's been hard to keep my mouth shut. Maybe I should stop trying?

 From the week:

-Wish this was still for sale at No. 6 Daily

-Doing this...

-Committed to each other for 81 years...the oldest married couple in the country! So cute!

-Doesn't get better than NUTELLA hot chocolate.

-Helpful tips on orchid maintenance

-I have had WAY too much fun with this Pinterest board dedicated to all my favorites onscreen:

-I really want to make looks delicious! Spicy Fish Taco Bowl...

-Hopefully, everyone out there will find it in their hearts to be kind to Carrie Underwood after her live Sound of Music performance last night...she had big shoes to fill. The vocals didn't suffer, but the acting did, even though I'm pretty sure she cried for real at least two times. 

-Song (love this!)

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